Saturday, December 30, 2006

Can't beat this

I know you all up north are having a warm winter, but I still don't think you can beat this! Isn't it beautiful? And this is the place where João and I dated back in 1991... nice place to go back to as we celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary. Cool, huh?
We enjoyed such a fun day as we went to the Tijuca National Forest - it is the largest urban rain forest in the world. I couldn't get over the beautiful flowers on the banana trees.
We also had the fun of seeing our favourite cutie-pie dip her toes in the ocean for the first time. As it's a long drive over to the beach, she kept saying "Beach, I want the beach", which just cracked us up considering she had never even seen the beach! Aren't you jealous? You are in the cold gray rain, and we are visiting waterfalls and beaches. Everything has it's price, doesn't it? Here she is at the shopping center, still decorated for Christmas. our precious family is leaving us today to be with their family here in Brazil, but we have so enjoyed the time together.
Now it's time to get ready for the end of the year festivities! While you north americans don't much celebrate (at least in churches) the New Year, it's a big deal here. Our worship service will begin at 10PM and end some time after midnight. Then we will have a midnight supper at church. Not too much sleep to be had for us on Sunday. But it should prove to be fun, as I hear the church is full for this service. What a switch! Empty for Christmas and full for New Years. Glad to know everyone is excited to start out the New Year at church. Mom always joked that whatever you are doing as 12:01 on the first day of the new year you will be doing the rest of the year. That's a good sign, as we will all be at church! Hope you will be in communion with God that day too.
(Couldn't resist one last image to show you what you are missing by not being in Brazil to celebrate Christmas and New Years!)


Unknown said...

Peggy, you will be pleased to know that we got snow on Christmas night and again this morning! It was cold yesterday....-15C! But today it is just below freezing. The sun is shining and it is a gorgeous day. Happy 2007! Anne from Killaloe

Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy: Oh what a wonderful series of newsletters. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and share. We did have a green Christmas - didn't snow at my Mom's house until Dec 26th! I found it odd to see how many people blamed their inability to get into the Christmas Spirit on the LACK OF SNOW! How wonderful to know the true meaning of that Spirit and that It transcends everything! Happy new year to you both!!

--Love, Myrna and Barry

Anonymous said...

That is so beautiful !! Glad you had a nice visit and wanted to wish you a Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy..did you get my email? Not sure if I have the latest address.If not please drop me a note. Thanks. Donna