Friday, October 19, 2007

Safe New World

Today we had safety netting installed on our verandas. I have had, for years, a recurring bad dream of a child falling out of my window or off my porch. I am not afraid of heights and it doesn't bother me to use my hammock or sit on our porch. When children come over, however, it's another story. Gives me the willies. There are many adults who won't set foot on the veranda. It is a low railing and when you lean or look over it does make you dizzy. It is the 16th floor after all. Consequently, we decided it was the better part of valour to put up safety netting. Most people who have children do just that.
We debated a long time (we have been here almost 18 months), because it does rather spoil the view. Still it's better to be safe than sorry. As an added benefit, Mia is very happy as she can now go out on the porch unsupervised. It will probably be good for her to get some sunshine.
You should see the process for installing it. It is supposed to withstand about 1000 lbs of weight. The installer climbed up the netting (it is nylon cord) with all his weight and shook it. Not me. I'll take his word on the subject! I've heard plenty of stories of mothers finding their child safely caught by the net. And other sadder stories of people who have lost children who fell off balconies. Speaking of which, the installer worked on the ladder, drilling overhead with no safety system whatsoever. João was seriously creeped out! Anyway, you can see the results and how Mia seems to be pleased to have a super duper lookout. Someone even told us she would be safer this way since we have owls and falcons and vultures sweeping the skies. I do know that the former resident had a vulture land on his arm one day! Doesn't seem likely, but I suppose such things could happen. Never hurts to have a safety net (pun intended)! Stay safe.


Peggy Fonseca said...

It's true! Large birds do sweep apartments. Sissy just told us that her uncle lost a bird - a parakeet(I don't quite understand how) from their balcony here in Rio via a large bird (she wasn't sure if it was a falcon or an owl). Of course a bird is a lot smaller than a cat, but João had a cat who was attacked by an owl when he was child, so guess it is all possible, right?

Anonymous said...

It looks really good and Mia seems to like it.Just back from Quebec retreat, wish you were there with us. It was wonderful !!