Saturday, February 09, 2008

Uma Vez Flamengo, sempre Flamengo

Yeah, well I do know my headline is in Portuguese! It's just there is no translation that does justice to the phrase, that is a line about a Brazilian soccer team, that has it's headquarters here in Rio. It's a nationally popular soccer team and their theme is once you are a "flamenguista" (fan of the flamengo team), you will always be a flamenguista. We have had my nephew Thiago (James) here for a few days and he is a fanatic for the team. My husband and his brothers are all fans of the team. So we thought it would be really cute to dress up Mia as a Flamengo fan. They are famous for their red/black color scheme. Hey, you have to admit she is just a doll. I think she would make a much better mascot than the team's buzzard!
We've certainly had a lot of fun with the kids being here (niece and nephew) and done quite a bit of s
ight-seeing with them. They are really good kids. Right now they are Christ the Redeemer statue. When they get home, I know Thiago will want a photo-op with Mia and her Flamengo shirt, and he in his as well. Hope you got a nice smile out of Mia, the soccer fan!


Anonymous said...

Oh that is so cute! She looks like a Princess with attitude.Glad you are enjoying your company. D

Peggy Fonseca said...

Yeah, she is my Princess all right - until she feels left out and lonely and then she resorts to screaming. If that doesn't get enough attention she then does her "duty" on the corner of the dining room rug. Argh! I have learned, though, that there is an lemon grass herb, that smells quite nice, but is a deterrent to cats. So far, so good