Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Scream, We scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream

Yesterday was Sissy's 22nd birthday. Can you believe it? It seems just yesterday we were celebrating her 9th birthday at DisneyWorld or her 19th in Canada, in a hot air balloon. Her 15th birthday was in Europe. This year nothing so exciting. Her sister did take her to a Sushi bar, all you can eat, for lunch. Wouldn't take long for me to get all I wanted to eat!!!! They had a great time, however.In the evening we all went out, together with Sissy's best friend, to Johnnie Pepper Restaurant.
I don't think there is an American equivalent, although the decoration and menu were all in English. Let me know, if I am wrong.
I love this photo of Sissy and Elly together. I am so happy they are such good sisters and so united. The friendship sisters share is special. No one really knows you like a sister does. You share so much of your lives together. If life is fair, you will probably have your sister as part of your life more than any other one person. You not only share the same genes, you also have shared the same bedroom, the same clothes, the same family history. To sum things up, we had a fun evening, with lots of laughter and lots of food. Elly wasn't hungry so she ordered an appetizer and ended up with a gigantic plate of nachos. I did my best to help her eat them down to a reasonable size, but the plate was still full at the end of the evening. Sissy, of course, was entitled to a free dessert.  I wanted to snap a photo of her eating ice cream and so she was checking her teeth to see if there was anything on them. I was focusing and accidentally clicked and ended up with this hysterical photo of her.
She doesn't usually read my blog, but if she does, I can hope she forgives me, but you must admit it's really funny. We all laughed hysterically when we saw it. Now to redeem myself, I'll show you the photo of her with her Colgate smile. Wow, all those years of braces were worth it. Happy 22nd Birthday.

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