Saturday, July 12, 2008

Night in Rio

As I went to bed the other night, I glanced out the window and saw the most beautiful sight, with the moon partially covered by clouds. I was overcome by it's sad beauty. I have never liked the night or darkness. That's not a theological thing, but a psychological thing! Still, I had to admit there was beauty in the night. I wish I could say I really feel Rio is as beautiful as this. There are flashes of beauty, but this week the ugliness of our city and the sadness of tragedy was great for me. A child- who I did know - died senselessly on Sunday night, in my neighborhood. He was only three. He was in the car with his mother. The police mistook their car for that of a fleeing thief, and even as she pulled over to allow the police to pass, the police fired 30 rounds into her car, killing her child. It was so stupid and so violent! It's not enough to live with the violence of the bandits in our town. We must also fear our underpaid, poorly trained and sometimes violent police. I am so angry, so sad, so indignent that I don't know what to do about it. Pray for our city...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

De fato, a foto é linda, mas contrasta e muito com mais essa horrível tragédia envolvendo uma criança inocente. Que Deus tenha misericórdia do Rio!