Saturday, January 03, 2009

Broken or jammed?

Hows about a long distance consult? Last night I jammed my baby toe and it hurt as it always does, but I noticed it felt funnier than usual. It was sort of stuck out at a right degree to the other toes and then it started to throb. I thought to myself, oh no... I think it's broken. Or maybe just dislocated. I put it on ice. This morning it was pretty black and blue. It hurts to walk on it, but not too bad. I decided not to ruin my weekend spending 8 hours waiting to be looked at. If it still hurts a lot and I can't walk right on Monday I may seek out an orthopedist. Since they so love casts here in Brazil, I figure whatever it might be they will put it in a cast. I don't do that heavy old fashioned plaster stuff they still use here. I figure I can tape it up myself. I kept it taped up for a while and the toe came back to the right angle at least. So what do you think? Is it just jammed up good or might it actually be broken? Is it really worth wasting a day to get it looked at? If you were me, would you do anything besides keep it propped up with ice on it? Ain't life grand when you are clumsy?


Anonymous said...

ouch ! either way they don't do anything, it just hurts like heck for a while.I did the same thing and am sure it was broken, taped it but it hurt more ,so sorry for your pain.

Anonymous said...

I doubt they would do anything different than what you are doing. It will just take some time to heal. Sorry for your pain. (Sherrill)

Anonymous said...

It looks and sounds exactly like my toe did when I broke it in October. It went out at a right angle. I taped it to the next toe and it bruised up just like yours. I would not go to see anyone, just keep taping it and being careful to wear closed shoes that will protect it until it is better. Kathy Myatt :-)