I just couldn’t resist posting these photos of Mia. We had just dropped the phones on the couch (João doesn’t like to get up to answer and since we have three numbers at the house and two cell phones, there is quite a collection). So it looks a lot like she was waiting for quite an important call! Since it didn’t come, she stares down the phone, willing it to ring. When it finally does ring, she leans in heavily to the ce
ll phone to hear what the person has to say to her. Cute, isn’t it? She, like all cats, seems to hate when I talk on the telephone and crawls all over me when I do, but I guess it's okay for her to talk on the phone.
Today I was looking over some of my resolutions. It didn’t seem so ambitious at the time, but it does now. So far, I am keeping up on the Bible reading. (#4) I have finished Ezra, Nehemiah, Matthew (almost) and am working my way through Genesis and Acts. Not doing too well in the exercise part(#1), as my foot still hurts and my knee has swollen from the fall or arthritis. I did try out weight lifting in Brasilia, (#2) at our hotel and I really liked it. João and I are dong the devotional book off and on, as we haven’t been too impressed with the content. (#3). We are still talking about our devotional book, but I need to get with real writing now that we have an outline. I have recently accepted writing another VBS, so that will be quite ambitious and may eventually take the devotional book’s place, as I actually have a deadline on it – JULY! (#5) My art classes are going well, and soon I’ll have another portrait to show you. (#6) I am already behind on inviting people to supper, but in my defense, this is a big vacation month and I was gone for two weeks and sick the other week (#8), so I do hope to catch up. I am enjoying my English Bible study class and had 5 students the other day. I hope it grows. (#7) I am working on the procrastination issue around the house and am pleased to say that I have made a little progress on that score. The house is much nicer without things junked up (well, except for the telephones!)#9. Haven’t started working on the mentoring yet (#10), but hope to get around to that after Carnival. I’ll try to check in with you once in a while on my resolutions, just to keep me honest. How are you doing?
1 comment:
Why you don't give one of this cells phones for the cat? The next job will be a portuguese teacher for him...or a miau translater...hehehe!
And if you need, i accept some old books to help to you in your house cleaning...hehehe!
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