Tonight I learned about something new for me - how to work with a bluetooth adapter. I know bluetooth tech isn’t new. I just didn’t know how to hook up an adapter to my computer and use it to transfer files from a cell phone. Actually not too hard at all, but as my husband said, it makes you feel old when you have to work so hard to figure out something that seems to come naturally to those who are young. Just as proof that I did manage it, I am posting a photo João took of me (with the cell phone) as I was painting, while on vacation. I love the photo, by the way, but I didn’t even realize when he took it. I look like a real artist, eh?
It’s getting harder and harder to keep up with technology, as there is so much. Bluetooth, Twitter, Podcasts, have been added to my list of conquests. It was always so much fun for me to figure out something new. Still is fun when it’s figured out, but it’s getting hard to figure them out. Do you ever feel the merry-go-round really is turning just a little fast to keep up with?
Yesterday,Sunday, we had a special celebration of the 35th anniversary of of our women’s choir. As part of their celebration they invited two other women’s choirs, so it made for quite an interesting service with the different voices and styles. I wasn’t sure ahead of time how much I would really enjoy it, as I am not always a huge fan of women’s choirs. When the men join together, it seems so big and booming and nice, but f
or some reason women’s groups are often strident and trembly. This was not the case and it was a great service. As you know, we have trouble with attendance Sunday night. Our church falls to less than half of the morning service. To see the church reasonably full is always fun. We are struggling to know what to do with this problem. There were a number of decisions to follow Christ at the end the service, so our hearts were really full by the end of the day.
Que bom que conseguiu fazer funcionar tão rápido!! Estou impressionada, eu levei quase um dia todo!
Obrigada pelo empréstimo do aparelho. Acho que ele se adaptou bem. O computador ficou reclamando que a instalação não foi completa, mas consegui "parear" o celular e o computador e transferir e receber arquivos sem problemas. Aí resolvi ignorar o recado.
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