Friday, April 01, 2011


The other day, a dear friend wrote to tell me she would be appointed as a missionary (hey, Sherrill!). She and I were originally appointed as missionary journeyman back in 1974 and we served two years in Korea as missionary teachers. She was excited about participating in the appointment service as a “masters” missionary (sorry, Sherrill but I have to tell people that this program is for those 50 years old or older and are available to make a two or three year commitment to serve overseas utilizing the maturity, skills, and experience they have gained over their lifetime).
apptI was thrilled for her and of course my mind turned to my appointment services. I well remember December 7, 1982 (yeah that’s me kneeling at the prayer upon my appointment), when along with over 100 (see my group below… I wonder how many are still in missions?) others I was appointed in Charlottesville, Virginia. Few people are as fortunate as I was to be in my “almost” home town. I had worked in Richmond, and also directed the GA camp in Charlottesville. A large group from Virginia came to share the event with me, as well as a vanload from Mom and Dad’s church from North Carolina. I felt like the hostess at a big party. I had about 2 minutes to share my testimony, but I still remember what I said and it still holds true. I talked about being in Lottie Moon’s home church, and being surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. I said I wanted to make the kind of impact Lottie Moon made, in that the Chinese wrote, on her memorial “Oh how she loved us.”  I’ve been in Brazil many years and I am still learning the culture and language. I no longer am a missionary – I feel I am one with the Brazilians. I love appt groupBrazil and I love Brazilians. I hope they feel my love, but more important I hope I show them Christ’s love. I hope that, as Paul said that they see an example in me. That’s what I hope…
Earlier, in 1974, I was also appointed as a missionary journeyman and I recall almost nothing about the event. I know I had family members present. I think it was in Richmond, Virginia. But I do remember what one of my great heroes of the faith, Dr. Baker James Cauthen (Mr. Missions) said to us. He used the nursery rhyme: “Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?
"I've been to London to look at the queen."
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there?
"I frightened a little mouse under the chair."
And I remember the application. Don’t go to the field and see the sites and forget the whole point of your mission. The poor pussy cat went to see the queen and chased a little mouse. I hope I haven’t chased mice in my life!

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