Sunday, August 29, 2004

Forty Years

Yesterday (Saturday) João and I were invited to a surprise 40th anniversary party. It was a member of our church. The cool part was that his and her family had come in from all over Canada to be present. They had made huge journeys to be there and their kids had been planning this for over a year. It was so much fun to get to share in the joy of that family. As we sat out on the deck, overlooking the Ottawa River, munching on shish ka-bobs and potato salad and meeting of dozens of people we had never seen before, I thought of this as one of the joyful perks of ministry - getting to share in special moments like this. It was lovely to see the hugs and smiles and yes the surprise of the couple when they arrived and everyone was on the front porch. What a blessing a family can be. And how we can bless others with a little thoughtfulness. Those who knew me back when, know that I never really was a party goer or "enjoyer" (not to say I was totally antisocial, but I did have my moments), but God does gift those he calls and all my years in Brazil just turned me into a raging party animal. So Friday a party at my house, Saturday an anniversary party and today a surprise birthday party for another church member. Good thing I changed, huh? Have a great celebration of life today.

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