Monday, August 16, 2004

Monday, Monday

Just gotta love Mondays. At least João and I do! It's really our day to let down our hair. Early on João went out to take Willie to a doctor's appointment, while I worked on writing more lessons. I'm making slow progress.
This afternoon we took off and went out for a while. Just what the doctor ordered! We decided to put off for a few days going to the Iraqui embassy. We just feel we need to do this at the right time. We'll keep you informed. Just keep praying about it!
It was such a gorgeous day today that we worked on the lawn and it looks so nice now. João continues to haul dirt (we had tons left from the truckload that was needed to repair our basement) and fill in the holes in the yard. By winter we hope we'll have it all spread out. They say winter is not far off this year. The forecasters don't really know everything, though. They've said summer is basically over, but that's hard to believe on a sunny 82 degree day. Hope your Monday was a good as ours!
PS - I'm studying the humane society site, beginning to look for another cat. Bela left a hole in our hearts.

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