Monday, January 03, 2005

2005 has arrived

Time marches on and suddenly the New Year is here. We had a relatively uneventful entrance to the New Year. We had a watch night service at church and that was a lot of fun. The kids led the worship at 11:00PM and that was "invigorating" to say the least, as it was very upbeat.
Saturday João and I slept in and then spent the rest of the day getting ready ready for Sunday services.
We had a number of visitors and were surprised with the very good attendance, as it was not a nice day. The nominating committee met during lunch and we worked fast as we were all anxious to get home and out of the freezing rain.
Today, Monday, João and I had a good time meeting up with a couple and their baby who had attended our church while in Bible school. They are from Texas. We were so pleased that they were able to get back for a visit to Ottawa.
Now life has settled back to normal, with me busy on the computer. I have a nice "helper" in my cat, Sadik.

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