Friday, November 09, 2007


Last night we had a great meeting at our church with the music department. It was historic, as we had a potential minister of music speaking to the group. He shared who he is and his philosophy of music and the group had a chance to ask questions. The process at our church is a little different, in that the pastor "appoints" the minister of music, since it is understood they will be working side by side and must be in accord in terms of philosophy and theology. Still João wanted him to meet the musicians and vice-versa to see how the "fit" is.
I felt the meeting went very well. So after a year long search and many heart felt prayers, we feel we may be at the end of the journey. It will be so wonderful to have someone working the "harmonize" the music department. We have so many wonderful talents, but what we lack is a minister to "shepherd" and unite and organize the whole concept of "music ministry". I am so pleased at what this could mean for our church in terms of spiritual growth and outreach.
If this all works out, then the process will begin again for a minister of youth. This Sunday we will be meeting with the youth to hear what they expect from a youth minister. That is the first step. Then we meet with the parents to hear from them. Youth minister will be for ages 13-25 or so I guess - at least through university age. This is kind of a new field here in Brazil, so we are anxious to work through this. Then we can move on to a children's minister. I see so much potential in having more ministries to really seeing people discipled and developing a real Christian "cosmo-vision" of the world, instead of just coming to church on Sunday and living the rest of the week however they wish. I so desire to see our church break out of the molds of people who are just "members" into people who live as Christ as called, transforming our society! I want to see honest politicians, dedicated teachers, inspired musicians, non-violent law keepers, who can share about the difference Christ has made in their lives. I am getting old, but my dream of seeing the world transformed by Christ never grows old.

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