Friday, November 23, 2007

It was fun

I don't know about everyone else, for it was kind of "my" day, but I had a great time at Thanksgiving yesterday. I had organized the meal so that most of the preparation was done the day before. I just had to control the time and put things in to roast at the right time. There were 8 of us for dinner this year, a smaller group than last year. Marilene and her family celebrated in São Paulo with their friends, carrying on the tradition started last year. I enjoyed the fellowship a lot. I really enjoyed our small worship service around the table (we read some verses, sang parts of some hymns and shared our gratitude. Although I made the food, I still enjoyed eating the somewhat traditional Thanksgiving meal, minus cranberries that cannot be found here. I will have to remember to bring back some cans with a long expiration date next year. I did remember stovetop stuffing and it was so good! I chose not to make sweet potatoes as I felt that was just too much sugar and starch, especially since I really really wanted some pumpkin pie!
Like last year, I had everyone fill their plates from a separate table so there would be more room - especially since my table really only fits 6 people, not 8. It was a great evening of sharing and visiting and I guess of our own tradition. The family from our church had never experienced Thanksgiving and want to start to do so in their own family. So maybe every year I can invite a different family for them to experience it and start it in their own family. We can certainly all do with more giving thanks in our lives. I'm off to do more thanks-living!

1 comment:

ambrs said...

Great photos. Sounds like you had a good time. Wish we could have been there too!

Could you e-mail me Don and Angie's e-mail address?
