Thursday, November 22, 2007

I am Thankful

I am thankful and on the day we earmark to give thanks, I would like to say thank you to God for his blessings in my life. I don't mean to express them in any particular order, but rather as a stream of consciousness kind of event. I am thankful for:
  1. A family that always gave me attention and love. A family with a Mom and a Dad and two sisters who taught me to fear and love the Lord and be a part of a community of faith. I love my family so much it hurts to me far from them. They gave me so much, they give me so much that there really are no words.
  2. Churches I have been a part of during my long life. The church of my infancy that taught me in the ways of God and nurtured me in my baby faith. For my other churches that called me out and encouraged me to engage the gifts God gave me. For the friends I made in church that held me together when loneliness and solitude closed in on me.
  3. My husband who loved me and sought me out when I thought I was unlovable. My husband who patiently loves me and cares for me every single day. He really is my sunshine, my very special gift from God. There will never be enough time in this world to express how much I love him.
  4. My friends who have listened to me over the years. My very special friend Marilene who has stuck with me over separations and time!
  5. My two step-daughters who have given me acceptance and love and stepped up to fill the void left by my two children who I lost without ever getting know. I am grateful I carried life inside of me and will always miss my babies, but still I am grateful for life as it is now.
  6. Being comfortable. Strange, I know. But I am thankful for living in a home that is comfortable; for living in a place where I recognize people and things and it's easy to get around; being able to do the things I like to do and doing them well (I think); living with people I like and love; being able to stay home and not having to drive or travel. I really have every"thing" I ever wanted or needed.
  7. My aches and pains because it means I am aging, which is a good thing. It has always taught me more patience (just because I hurt I don't have to snap at everyone), empathy and a willingness to wait on the Lord.
  8. My kitty cats. In the great scheme of life, they aren't all that important, and yet each pet I have had has brought something very special into my life. I am so grateful to each one who has let me dry my tears on their fur, spend my affection petting their neck, and express my childish impulses chasing them around the house.
Sometimes I really think I have it all. And I do, for Jesus Christ is my all. We sing a hymn in Portuguese that says "Tudo És Tu, Jesus" (You are everything Jesus). Even if I lost all the afore mentioned items, I would still have much for which to be grateful. I am not sure how to say thanks for all this and more. Today, at least, I wanted to write this out. Thank you, God for my life as it is right here and right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

truly Blessed Peggy....ty for sharing that it was beautiful.WE have SNOW !!!!