Monday, November 12, 2007

Fog in Sunny Rio

We awoke to quite rainy, foggy day that seems more appropriate to London than Rio. Yesterday was hot and humid and stifling and usually than means that a "cold front" (remember, all things are relative) is pushing its way in and trapping the warm hot air. So we canceled our visitation plans in Teresópolis and decided to stay home and "enjoy" the cool, rainy day. That means not sticking our head out the door. After an extra busy weekend, we needed time to read and reflect and talk and pray.
João is currently reading a book about "neo-pentecostals" (in Portuguese - "Decepcionados com a Graça") that I also took a look at, so part of our discussion was on gnosticism and other heresies that are the fundamental philosophy of this movement. It helped me concretize why we must NOT adopt the liturgy and worship patterns that are based on experiences and not on the living Word.
On the other end of the spectrum, we also spent time talking about a very interesting book I am reading:"The Great Giveaway: Reclaiming the Mission of the Church from Big Business, Parachurch Organizations, Psychotherapy, Consumer Capitalism, and Other Modern Maladies", which I thought I was going to hate, but which has provoked some serious thought and a re-avaliation of my own religion and philosophy, which I tend to be smug about. I realized how quick we all are to just defend what we have always done, without questioning the validity of it all. That lead us both down the road of speculation of where we need to be heading has a large church in the post-modern era, where the search is for TRUTH that can be seen in lives. There was lots to be said about preaching and teaching styles and even church liturgy that needs to be modified. It's been a while since we have had time to sit down and really discuss ideas like this. Certainly led us to think we need to have some kind of forum or seminar in the church to seriously talk about what all this means for us at First Baptist. We cannot get stuck in a rut or adopt "trends". We need to seek an honest direction that leads people to be both justified and sanctified.
Oh dear. You see where a rainy day leaves us? But isn't it wonderful God gives us these days to think and reflect and yes to rest? And I am so grateful to have a husband who is a soul mate and partner in thought and spiritual growth. I have so many blessings!

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