Monday, December 31, 2007

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy Jig Jig Jig

I arrived safely home back in Rio this morning. The flight from Cincy to DC was eventless, other than a two hour delay (I am always grateful for 5 hour layovers). I had enough time in DC walk from one terminal to another and then grab a bite to eat. I picked up a disposable cell phone and spent the rest of my time talking to my mom, my sis and my hubby. I also chatted with the Brazilians (it is so wonderful to be with people who will really talk to you).
The flight out of DC left on time and I was fortunate to have two seats and be able to put my feet up. Can't say that I slept much, but I seemed not to be too terribly sleepy. I did sleep some, of course, and that really helped the long flight seem less long. It was a bumpy flight and that kept people from getting up and walking around and so things were pretty quiet.
We actually arrived in Rio about 20 minutes early, so by the time I did police, my bags, and customs, I was leaving the airport about the time I expected to arrive. I was pleased to have my cell phone with me and be able to call João and let him know I had arrived and make contact as I moved the various stages of the customs, etc.
I was glad to see my own little house. Mia ran right to me. No punishment for me. Just for João, since she refused to use her litter box while I was gone. (BAD KITTY!)
I unpacked, ate some lunch and then went soundly asleep with Mia on my tummy. It is hot here. I am really feeling the heat. I have things pretty well organized from the trip and will shower and get ready to go to church here in a little bit. I am having a hard time adjusting to the fact that it is 7PM and still so light. Funny how just two weeks throws off all your instincts.
I wish you a very joyful 2008. I know mine will be since joy doesn't depend on circumstance. Fireworks to you.


Anonymous said...

glad your back home safe and sound,I know you enjoyed your visit with your family,mixed blessings as often happens in life.Happy New Year to you and Joao. D

Anonymous said...

Hello Peggy,

Feliz ano novo!!!!! Realmente é estranho não ter lugar certo depois de um tempo morando em outro país. Eu e Júnior também sentimos muita falta das nossas famílias, mas também não gostamos de estar longe um do outro e da nossa casa.
Para a virada de ano Gustavo e Louise tínham ido para Toronto e nós ficamos ainda mais sozinhos aqui em Ottawa.
Então resolvemos fazer algo diferente para o ano novo. Nós corremos 5K no Rideau Canal juntamente com outras 1498 pessoas. Yes, I did run 5K!!! E me sinto orgulhosa dos meus novos dotes de atleta.
Beijos e Votos de feliz ano novo para você e pastor João.