Friday, January 11, 2008

Mia the coffee cat

Don't ya just gotta love a cat who is into the java? Seriously now. Because it turned hot again this morning, I made my traditional iced café latte. It is seriously good on a hot morning. Mia was being particularly pesky this morning, wanting my attention full time. I gave her several long loving sessions, but as I have said before I do have a life! So I went to the computer to work on my sermon for the pastor's wives convention in São Luiz, Maranhão (by the way if you don't hear from me in a while you will know that the ten days we were at the Baptist Convention up there I was in internet withdrawl). Mia began to cry to get into the computer room, so I opened the door and up she jumped onto my desk. Unlike Sadik, however, she hasn't quite gotten the hang of sitting quietly on my desk to keep me company. She prances in front to the screen, paws at the screen, plops herself on the keyboard, lies on my written text, is generally a nuisance as I work.
Today, however, she decided to check out my coffee. She is not really much of a people food cat (with the notable exception of ham), so I figured once she got a whiff of the coffee she would be out of here. Would you believe it? She sniffed and then she began to imbibe. She loved the coffee. She licked the ice. Then she dipped in deeper to get a more serious buzz with the espresso coffee with hazelnut flavoring. I did a double-take when I saw her guzzling away on my latte. I guess I will finally have someone to join me in my morning cup of java. Have you ever heard of a coffee drinking cat before???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is so cute....and personality too,what more could you ask for.