Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chapter Two of "Cats are Cool"

I am so happy some of you have written to say you are enjoying some of my "cat devotionals". I enjoyed writing them, originally in Portuguese. I have done some revising and have added some stories for clarity and I have an outline of new ones to write about my cat in Canada and also Mia. Since I am trying to put the stories in chronological order, those will have to wait a while. I have over 20 stories, so this will be long process of gradually posting these devotionals. Today I post my second devotional. By the way, the illnesses Princess suffered from were a very severe case of ringworm (which I also caught), a weakening of her immunities and a very low blood count.

One Very Sick Little Kitty

By now you know that Princess was a very special kitten to me. She was very young and small when she came to live with me. After just a short time with me, I noticed she didn’t seem very well. So I took her to the veterinarian so he could check her out. Sure enough, she was very ill. She had to take several kinds of medicine. The worst part was that she had a terrible skin disease that might cause her to lose all her beautiful fur. I bought all her medicine and began to give it to her.

All that medicine for such a little kitty, was just too much medicine. She began to grow sicker and sicker. She was throwing up nonstop and I stayed up all night trying to help her. Finally I called the vet and he met me at his office very early in the morning and we had to put Princess in the hospital. He said she could even die. I was overcome with sadness. I didn’t know what to do. There was nothing I could do to save her. Could I possibly pray to God? Could it be that I could bother God with such a small thing? There are so many terrible things happening in the world. Surely one little cat couldn’t be important, could she?

Do you sometimes feel like that? Your little problems aren’t worthy of God’s attention? That God doesn’t care about the small things? That was what I was feeling. But then I remembered something about God caring about the birds. I thought for a minute and remembered the words of Jesus:

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows". – Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV)

I was so glad that I had memorized Bible verses once upon a time! They helped me right then, when I was in doubt. I began to think: “God cares about the sparrows. He knows how many hairs are on my head. He surely cares about Princess. I can certainly pray to Him about her. I don’t know what his answer will be. But I know I can talk to Him and He will hear my prayers and do just right thing for me.”

I felt better right away. I didn’t have to worry. I could count on God! The next day Princess was still quite ill, but at least she could come home. She was ill for a long time. No one could come near her and I had a lot of trouble cleaning all my clothes and house because her illness was contagious, even to people. I was teaching children at my church and they were all interested in Princess, too. Soon they began to pray with me about her health.

Princess did lose most of her fur, but at the same time, her health began to get better. Soon her fur grew back and she no longer had to take any medicine. One day I looked at her and she was beautiful and healthy again and I knew that she was going to be okay. I thanked God that He had said yes to my prayers. I also thanked Him because I had learned that I could turn to Him no matter how big or small my worry was.

Is there anything that is worrying you? Is there something that makes you sad? It doesn't matter what it is, whether it’s a huge thing or just a small issue, you CAN talk to God about it. He really does care.

You know, that just might be the most important thing I ever learned from Princess!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this !! D