Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Dear Blog

During the month of August I am comemorating the 4th aniversary of my blog. Yes, can you believe it? I actually stuck with something for longer than 2 months. You know most people abandon their blog rather quickly. I almost quit about 2 years ago. But here I am still boring you. While I am on the subject of boring you... on to my two favorite subjects - drawing and my cat! I actually did finish Mia's portrait today. I learned a lot about shading while doing a black cat. I didn't realize there are so many shades of black. I got pretty good at manipulating an eraser, I can tell you. At any rate, Happy Birthday to my BLOG.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you kept your blog going, it gives me a glimpse into your life since you left Canada : ) D