Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I’m happy, even if no one else is!


Today I was so excited to receive my copies of the book on women in ministry. I wrote two chapters of the book. The title of the book is “Fragility and Strength”. I wrote a chapter on women in the New Testament and also on being married to the pastor. I haven’t had a chance to read the other chapters, but they all look very interesting and I am anxious to have some time to sit down with the book. My name appears, with the other authors, on the back cover. (Good luck finding my name on the back cover, as for some reason they used my maiden name, although inside the book my name is correct) I’ve anticipated it so long, seeing it in print is thrilling. Actually witnessing the fruit of your labor is pretty exciting.

From the reaction I received today, I don’t suppose it will be a best seller! I was so happy when I arrived at church and the books were there. I tried to share with folks and show the book to people. No one cared at all. I couldn’t even get a warm enough reaction from people to even glance at the cover. That was a great disappointment. I guess I amDigitalizar0012 too sensitive, but I was so happy, and no one seemed to care at all about what a big achievement this was for me.  I know people who don’t write, can’t realize what it means to see what you have written in print, but I would have hoped that some one might have shared just a little in my joy. I guess the 20 copies I received will languish away on a shelf somewhere, except for a couple of copies I’ll give to friends. I hope that the book will be a blessing to someone somewhere. Just not in my little corner of the world. happy-feet-for-wii

Despite that disappointment, I can’t help but want to do a little happy dance that my work was published. Dance with me…

1 comment:

Marilene said...

Oi, Peg
Lamento muito pela sua decepção. Você não merece ser tratada assim. E, com certeza, a reação de muitas outras pessoas será diferente, pois você tem suas fãs espalhadas por aí, e eu sou uma delas, de carteirinha!!! Parabéns pela sua participação num livro tão especial, que creio eu será bênção na vida de muitas mulheres. Estou daqui curtindo o lançamento e dançando também, bem feliz.