Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Me, Reading the Wall Street Journal?

I know, the Wall Street Journal isn't exactly my style, but the article "How the E-Book Will Change the Way We Read and Write" really caught my eye. That's because it deals with the "Kindle" by Amazon.  I've been reading about the Kindle and recently saw the Oprah Winfrey program where she gives them away. (We are slow in Brazil to get her shows). I have never been sold on electronic books since I don't really care about reading anything longish on the computer screen. I always print it off. However, everything I read about the Kindle says it really does "work" as a book, with the plus of being able to carry around tons of books all at once. I realize it speaks to my "techie" nature, in that I love the new and innovative. I also know it speaks to the "materialistic" me as it cries out for me to spend $300+. I also realize it's usefulness would be less on Brazil than in the US, as its wireless capacity would not function here and I would have to download the books to my computer. Still I can't help a kind of vague "longing" to check it out. Is it as nice as they say? Do I really want to read books on a "machine"? Wouldn't I miss the smell of a new or old book (very distinctive) or the touch of the pages? Wouldn't I miss being able to flip through the pages anywhere? Wouldn't I miss being able to underline and make notes out to the side (I know you can do that electronically, but trust me I wouldn't)? Wouldn't I miss being able to share my favorite book with friends (I mean, I would loan out a $10 book, but not a $359 Kindle)? Would the kind of books I read even be available? I am not into "best-sellers" at all. 
Still, I am curious about the critter. Is it really the "wave" of the future, or is something "better"coming along? Do I jump on the boat at the beginning (like I did with the internet) or do I wait cautiously (like I did with mp3 players)? 
I think until I can see one, handle one, use one, I won't be getting one. Surely is tempting, however! What do you think?
Speaking of "media", I just couldn't resist embedding the following video about a Kindness Café. It's such a nice story that's it is well worth spreading. Check it out if you like inspirational stories!

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