Thursday, August 21, 2008

Princess, Peggy's cat

Hey, thanks guys for your interest. I told you if got a couple of yeses, I would carry on. And I did get 4 yeses, so here is my first story about my cat Princess.
Someone asked, so I'll mention the fact that I was thinking of 9 year olds for my audience, give or take a few years. I think a child of this age could read the stories - one a day - or a younger child could have their parents read the stories to them. If I could draw from my imagination, I would love to be able to sketch these stories. The best I can do is include a photo now and then.

Princess, my friend

I enjoy having friends around me. I don’t especially enjoy being alone. When I moved to Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, I didn’t know very many people. I was pretty lonely. I didn’t have anyone to talk to at night when I got home from work. Everyone was so busy coming and going, I hardly ever saw my neighbors.

When I adopted Princess, my beautiful long-haired cat, things began to change. She was my very first friend in Rio. When I came home at the end of the day, she was at the door, meowing. She walked around my ankles, so I couldn’t walk until I reached down to pet her. When I sat down, she jumped up in my lap and began to purr. When I went to bed, she slept on the far corner, just close enough to be company, but far enough away not to disturb my sleep. When I was sick, she would lie with her paw on my arm, not moving until I moved. When I was sad, she seemed to know it and she would play with her toys and make me play with her, until I cheered up. When I was tense, just touching her long silky fur made me feel calm again. She came to live with me, just when I needed her most. Princess became an important friend to me.

Not only was she my friend, I was her friend. I gave her lots of attention. I talked to her. I gave her food and water everyday. I took her with me to work and on my trips. I combed her long fur to keep away the knots. During the long hot days of the summer in Rio de Janeiro, I kept the air conditioning on, just so she wouldn’t get over heated. I tried to take care of all her needs. She was my friend and I was her friend.

That’s what friendship is all about. Spending time together. Enjoying being together. Thinking about what the other person needs. My friendship with Princess made me think about other friends and what kind of friend I really was. Most importantly, my friendship with Princess made me think about one special friend. Not just any friend, but my very best friend. My friend that always loves to be with me. My friend who always understands me. My friend that makes me happy. My friend who enjoys me and makes me feel special like no one else can.

You know who that is? He’s Jesus. He is a perfect friend. He cares for me in a way no one, anywhere else, ever has or ever will. It’s nice being friends with Princess. It’s fantastic, it’s wonderful, it’s fabulous (can you think of any other great words?) being friends with Jesus. He really is the bestest of the best friends.

Thanks, Princess, for reminding me that my best friend is Jesus!


JSF said...

Wonderful story!

Anonymous said...

lovE it!! keep on writing please. D