Thursday, November 20, 2008

And Fun Was Had By All

Today is a holiday in our state of Rio, so our church had an outing at a farm about an hour out of town, at the foot of the mountains. Although yesterday was rainy and chilly, today there was actually sunshine, although the clouds did move in early afternoon. The temps were quite nice today. So João and I drove out to the "sítio"(farm) where are folks were and enjoyed ourselves immensely. It was a lovely spot, the company was good and nature cooperated. After leaving there, we drove a short distance to visit a church member who was at their weekend cottage. It was a surprise visit and we all had a lot of fun drinking coffee, eating (what else?) and just visiting. Since we are daylight savings time now, it doesn't get dark until about 7:30, so we got home a little before eight, not having to travel in rainy dark weather.
I took a lot of photos of flowers and even had time to do a sketch of one flower. I hope to draw it in graphite, colored pencils, pastels and water colors to show the difference of the various mediums. I put together some of my photos from the day, together with a hymn and thought you might enjoy watching/listening to it. I wish you a day as beautiful and as relaxing and as much fun as ours.

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