Friday, November 07, 2008

My Cat Devotionals Are Back!

For those of who haven't followed this part of my blog, I have been sharing chapters from a book, I am writing, of devotionals for children. They are all about my cats and are written in chronological order. I started the stories back in 1988 with my cat Princess. Today I finish up telling about my two cats in Brazil, Dolly and Baby. (1992-2001). I had taken a break during the month of October and even though there has been no "popular demand", the devotionals are back! Enjoy.

Why Do Things Always Have to Change?

I was crying. I had Baby in my lap and was stroking his far ever so slowly. I talked to Dolly who was at my side. Then I placed Dolly in one cage and Baby in another one. I took them both out to the car. We drove over to the house of our good friends Maria and Renata. I took Baby and Dolly into their house, and Renata gave a great big smile. She was so happy to have her very first pet. Now Baby and Dolly would be her cats, not mine. After many years of living with me Baby and Dolly had a new home. Renata had spent much time in my home and she already loved them both. She was so happy, but I was so sad. This change was wonderful for her, but so sad for me. What was going on?
I was moving very far away. I was leaving Brazil and moving to Canada and although I wanted very much to take Baby and Dolly with me, it was extremely complicated and expensive. Besides that, I knew it would be a traumatic and even dangerous trip for my cats. This way they would be in the same neighborhood, with friends they already knew and with very little change in their lives. It was best for them, but so hard for me. So I gave them a big hug, said good-bye and went home crying the whole time.
It was so hard for me, that I just had to ask why things have to change. I wasn't sure I really wanted to move anyway, and this made it even harder. I just didn't know what to do with my deep deep sadness.
I could only find one solution. I needed to talk to God about his. I needed to tell him how very hard this was for me and how sad I was. I loved my cats and my friends and my home and didn't want to leave them. I didn't want change. God reminded me of something really important. He had said these words in the Bible and it seemed like they were written just for me: "I am the LORD, and I do not change.”(Malachi 3: 6) People and places can change. I might change where I live, but God would always be with me, no matter where I go. Being with him is possible anywhere. I can always count on Him. Those words from God helped me get through such a hard time for me.
My tears have dried and I am learning to enjoy God's presence. God even gave me a very special new friend. I'll tell you more about him the next time. Just wait!

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