Yes, it’s MY rooster. I saw him while on vacation. I photographed him (after having to “seduce” him with lots of stale old bread) close up(the small insert to the right). Then I drew him. And in a bold step for me, I chose to paint him in acrylics, my nemesis. So here he is in all his glory (the scan is slightly blurry since he is painting on canvas and I can’t get it tight into the scanner). It is really my very first “Peggy” exclusive where I have tried to give it my interpretation. I chose the colors and the painting style and so I very much “own” the painting. Tomorrow I’ll carry it off to class and see what the teacher wants me to add as details, but basically it’s done. I like him and my husband says I should frame it. Frankly, it’s not that good, but I may frame it and stick it in the kitchen. Makes a nice “Portuguese” them. Roosters are national symbol in Portugal. Here’s the story: “A young man was sentenced to be hanged for a crime he didn't commit. In this case, there was not enough doubt to do the accused any good. Vainly, he swore his innocence. In desperation, he fell on his knees and prayed to his two favourite saints, the Virgin Mary and St. John. Thereafter, he made his last wish to meet his judge on
e more time. As customary, this wish was granted. The judge received the young man in his own home and even served him a fried rooster. Once again, the man swore he did not commit this crime, and, probably inspired by his two favourite saints, he suddenly lifted his right hand's two swear fingers and exclaimed: "Honourable judge, by the Virgin Mary and the Holy John, I once again swear that I am innocent. If I lie, the rooster on that tray will stay where it is, but if I am telling the truth, it will rise and crow". In the same instant, the rooster was in its earlier feathers, standing up and crowing so it was heard all over Barcelos. The young man was immediately released. To the right is the Barcelos Rooster.
And you thought you wouldn’t learn anything new and useful today!!! (Source:
Peggy, the rooster is beautiful! I think you did a great job! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Sherrill. I like my rooster, but I am still not totally convinced it's worth spending too much money on to frame it! At least I won't need glass for it.
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