Sunday, March 13, 2011

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Now for the slow cooker report for today. I was doubtful about the french toast, since I like it “crunchy” and I was right. It was a soggy mess, albeit a delicious soggy mess. I am not sure where the problem was, so many things could have gone wrong. I tried reducing the recipe and maybe I didn’t use enough bread, or maybe because mine is a round cooker the bread was just too piled on top of each other. Or maybe it should have been cooked on high heat for 3 hours (but I am not getting up at 3 AM to make breakfast). My husband adored it, as he likes soggy food. (Me I can’t even stand milk ON my cereal to make it soggy and he lets it sit at least 30 minutes to absorb the milk.) It really tasted wonderful, but texture is as important as taste to me, so I classify this as a “miss”.

The roast beef was another miss that I was able to turn to a hit. I was unsure how long it would really need, so I turned it on low heat at 7AM, for a 1PM lunch. When we got home at about 12:45, the veggies were still crunchy and the meat still tough. So I cranked up the heat and we changed clothes, rest and read the paper until our much later lunch around 2PM. At that point everything was done and my husband raved on the moist and tender meat (success at last). I loved the taste of the meat and vegetables together, so this will definitely be a repeat item since it was a very economical and delicious meal.

I had an interesting experience in preparing my lesson for my openbibleSunday School class today, as it was on Nehemiah 7. Open your Bible and take a look at the chapter. It’s mostly a list a names, repeated from Ezra 2. How, I thought, can I teach a lesson on that? I write my own lessons, so their require considerable research and work. Most commentaries just skipped the chapter. But because I truly believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, I knew there had to be some reason God included this list of names. (Besides giving you some real creative choices for naming you children. What do you think of Nephussim for your first-born?) So I dug and dug and came up with treasure. We had a great discussion and found all kinds of lessons and applications. So much so that we didn’t finish the study. Can you believe it? I feel so privileged to be honored to teach God’s Word every week, because it forces me to learn so much. And every week I find more and more proof of the truth of these words: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” 2 Timothy 3:16-17.


Anonymous said...

Go to recipes on line for slow cookers. There are lots of them. Most meats require 7 to 8 hours on low heat.

Peggy Fonseca said...

I have several books of recipes and did consult online, but no two cookers work alike, and this was a very small cut of meat, so there are variables. The same with the french toast. I had a recipe, but it was for a ton of people, and we are only two, so I had to vary the recipe.